Movie review originally published on Facebook - YEAR 3 - COMPLETE LISTING
Critique cinéma d'abord publiée sur Facebook - 3ème ANNEE: - LISTE COMPLÈTE
2016 @ The Movies Take 16 2016 Oscar Nominated Short Films Live Action. 5 live action shorts are competing for the gold. Not the strongest selection on record, but a stutterer saves the day. Snap Judgement #1425 Self-important Frenchman. Movie-buffoon disguised as weak online film scholar. Believes he excels in the art of rude scathing critique.
Experienced at Moxie Cinema on February 6 in theater 2 with Susie &Kurtis Shorts.
Experienced at Moxie Cinema on February 6 in theater 2 with Susie &Kurtis Shorts.
2016 se paie un toile 16ème prise Court-métrages de fiction nominés aux Oscars. 5 courts sont en lisse pour la statuette doré. Pas la meilleur sélection à ce jour, mais un bègue sauve la donne.
Vu au Moxie Cinema le 6 février dans la salle 2 avec Susie & Kurtis Shorts
Vu au Moxie Cinema le 6 février dans la salle 2 avec Susie & Kurtis Shorts
Ave Maria (Basil Khalil)
- 15 minutes/USA/Arabic, English, Hebrew
A clever religious comedy in which a Jewish family collides (literally) with convent of silent nuns in the West Bank. The looming absence of Arabs/Muslims in the piece feels too cautious rather than a "Waiting for Godot" twist.
- 15 minutes/USA/Arabic, English, Hebrew
A clever religious comedy in which a Jewish family collides (literally) with convent of silent nuns in the West Bank. The looming absence of Arabs/Muslims in the piece feels too cautious rather than a "Waiting for Godot" twist.
Une comédie sur fond religieux bien vue dans laquelle une famille juive entre en collision (littéralement) avec un couvent de nonnes qui ont fait voeu de silence en Cisjordanie. L'absence pesante d'arabes/musulmans dans l'histoire penche plutôt vers le manque d'audace que l'effet voulu à la "En attendant Godot."
Shok (Jamie Donoughue)
- 21 minutes/UK/Albanian, Serbian
A powerful look at the Kosovo genocide through the eyes of a child. My only qualm is that it seems purposefully designed as an Oscar bait. There is a great chance the man of gold will bite.
- 21 minutes/UK/Albanian, Serbian
A powerful look at the Kosovo genocide through the eyes of a child. My only qualm is that it seems purposefully designed as an Oscar bait. There is a great chance the man of gold will bite.
Un court efficace sur le génocide du Kosovo à travers le regard d'un enfant. Ma seule hésitation c'est que ça sente le formatage pour aller à la pêche aux Oscars. Il est fort possible que l'homme doré morde à l'hameçon.
Everything Will Be Okay (Patrick Vollrath)
- 30 minutes/GERMANY/German
A cinéma vérité look at a divorced father attempting to abduct his own young daughter. I like how the focus is the father's hesitation and trepidation about his own plan, but it could have been achieved in less than 30 minutes.
- 30 minutes/GERMANY/German
A cinéma vérité look at a divorced father attempting to abduct his own young daughter. I like how the focus is the father's hesitation and trepidation about his own plan, but it could have been achieved in less than 30 minutes.
Une approche cinéma vérité pour la banale histoire d'un divorcé essayant d'enlever sa propre fille. J'aime que toute l'attention soit portée sur l'hésitation et la nervosité du père, mais cela aurait pu se faire en moins de 30 minutes.
Stutterer (Benjamin Cleary)
- 12 minutes/UK/English
A young man with a speech impediment goes on a first face-to-face date with a text-message only girlfriend unaware of his limitation. This is my favorite of the lot. In under 15 minutes, the director manages to find creative ways to translate the protagonist's dread to communicate orally. A most excellent use of the format explore disability empathically, but not sappily. Plus, it concludes at the perfect moment. In other words, it knows to leave the room before the conversation becomes redundant which is quite a feat for a stutterer.
- 12 minutes/UK/English
A young man with a speech impediment goes on a first face-to-face date with a text-message only girlfriend unaware of his limitation. This is my favorite of the lot. In under 15 minutes, the director manages to find creative ways to translate the protagonist's dread to communicate orally. A most excellent use of the format explore disability empathically, but not sappily. Plus, it concludes at the perfect moment. In other words, it knows to leave the room before the conversation becomes redundant which is quite a feat for a stutterer.
Un jeune homme avec un problème d'élocution rencontre pour la première fois une copine qu'il fréquente uniquement par texto. Mon court favori de la sélection. En moins de 15 minutes, le réalisateurs aligne les trouvailles pour traduire l'angoisse de son protagoniste face à la communication verbale. Une excellente exploitation du format court pour parler du handicape avec empathie, mais sans tomber dans la guimauve. En plus, il se conclut au parfait moment. En d'autres termes, il sait quitter la pièce avant que la conversation ne se répète, pas mal pour un bègue.
Day One (Henry Hughes)
- 25 minutes/USA/English, Dari
Yet another Afghan war narrative based on true events. As a piece of fiction, it feels overly manipulative and inauthentic. After watching it, we learn that wars create extremely difficult situations for all involved - is this news? True events are probably better covered by skilled documentarians than uninspired filmmakers.
- 25 minutes/USA/English, Dari
Yet another Afghan war narrative based on true events. As a piece of fiction, it feels overly manipulative and inauthentic. After watching it, we learn that wars create extremely difficult situations for all involved - is this news? True events are probably better covered by skilled documentarians than uninspired filmmakers.
Encore un épisode de la guerre en Afghanistan basé sur des faits réels. En tant que court de fiction, ça sonne faux et manipulateur. Au final, on apprend que les guerres créent des situations extrêmement difficiles pour les gens impliqués - nous voilà bien avancé. Les faits réels sont mieux laissés aux mains des pros du documentaires que celles de réalisateurs peu inspirés.
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